Tuesday 26 March 2019

Day 6 Monday, March 25th At Sea

Not too much to report today as we were at sea.  The day was grey, windy and overcast as we awoke with the boat pitching a little as we headed into the northerly winds.  Some people did not make breakfast but we were OK and not affected by the swell.  We ended up having a lazy day.  Christine had a haircut, I went to a lecture on the “dambuster” raids and in the afternoon we went to three port lectures encompassing all the ports we are visiting including St Mary’s.  We did have a brief walk on the deck but it was blowing to hard to complete the perimeter safely.

platform and coastal boat
We thought we were travelling 
stern of the Astoria
slowly and it turned out that for the morning we were not going at full speed and the announcement was eventually made that there was a technical problem which means we will be arriving in Invergordon later than predicted.  We did 
rolling near the stern
pass some wind farms, oil/gas platforms and some shipping.  The waves and 
on our brief walk round the deck
white water kept us indoors a lot.

Being a sea day, dinner was formal in the evening and so we dressed up and were introduced to the captain. After dinner we attended an Abba tribute show which was quite good.  Thus ended a fairly uneventful day.

1 comment:

  1. Delays; dodgy engine and rough seas have provided an interesting start. A new hair-do, nice meal and an evening of Abba (singing along and dancing?) should have raised spirits. Look forward to hearing more. Happy Cruising!
