Thursday 20 October 2022

Day 2 Thursday October 20th Hayle to Tavistock


Today dawned much better than yesterday with sun and blue skies much in evidence.  We breakfasted at the Premier Inn and our initial task was to return towards Penzance and take the car to the crash repair garage for inspection and schedule agreement.  It will be taken to them after our holiday and they will arrange for it to be returned to Penzance.  Much relief as this seems to have worked well.  We then came back to Hayle and went to M&S for Christine to look round the clothes area (thankfully without much success!).  We then had a coffee and visited the food hall which was much more successful - we bought some cheese scones, some rocky road, some biscuits and cold drink.  I took a picture of Christine outside M&S because she does not have too many opportunities to visit them.  Those of you with long memories or who take an avid interest in this blog will remember that I took a picture of Christine outside Hong Kong M&S in 2013!  We then went to the nearby Lidls and Christine was able to get some things whilst I set up our satnav.


We were off again travelling eastwards through Cornwall on the A30. All went well and we had a short break near Fraddon where there is also a M&S but again Christine had no shopping success.  We carried on passing places with names such as Skinners Bottom, Marazanvose and Tregedillett and eventually crossed the River Tamar on a Packhorse Bridge into Devon.  It was not far to get to our destination in Tavistock.  We checked in, sorted ourselves out a bit and then went for a walk around what is now for us a familiar town.  There have been some changes over the years but it is still an interesting place with lots of character and many 
individual shops.  We returned to the hotel, unpacked and settled into the room.  There is a good view from the window over the roof of the town hall and up to Dartmoor.

It was soon time to get ready for dinner and we had a good meal in the bar.  A not very exciting day with Christine having little shopping success but we did get used to issues of driving and navigating our car on the mainland.


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